musings, mutterings, and creative muddle. . .

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What Kind of Cat is That??? Comes Back!

 You've been introduced to my sister-brother pair of Russian Peterbald kitties, Fritzie & Frazer before. . . are you wondering what they've been up to since that post three years (has it honestly been *that* long?!?!?) ago?

They've grown a lot and changed a little (okay. . . maybe a lot) since that photo and first blog post about them. . .  Lots of litter box changes, numerous fuzzy mice stalking escapades, a couple trips to the vet, and a couple of 'hiccups' (aka furballs. . . hahahaha!) along the way - and look at them today!

Frazer likes to get in your way, play, be rough-housed with and generally likes to play just like a 9 year old boy.

Fritzie prefers snuggling in her warm basket or curling up under the covers. . . But when she does come out to play -watch out! Those little paws are lightning fast!

Snowy day outside. . . but lots of love inside. My sweet kitties:-)

Fuzzy  Frazer loves hanging out in the ksyardbird Studio and watching old movies.

 Furless Fritzie also likes hanging out in the ksyardbird Studio - but prefers to bask in the sunlight with her eyes closed.

 And sometimes they like just hanging out together - typical brother & sister style.

Then Frazer goes and does something a little nutty like proudly fitting himself onto a fish-shaped platter on the buffet. Funny feline!

Fritzie prefers to pose herself by the flowers on the windowsill. . . basking in the sunlight (of course!). Don't get a sunburn!!

Just watchin' the birds fly by. . . The joys of a wide windowsill on a second story window! Happy cats.

Hmmm. . . Yaaawwnnn! What's there to say? Cat nappin'.

Speaking of yawning and cat-napping. My! What big teeth you have little kitty!

"The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything." ~ Frank Sinatra aka 'Ol Blue Eyes

Have a feline-kind of day ~

Robin Z

P.S. Many of these photos came from posts on the ksyardbird Facebook page. Check it out!

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